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QR Code Supported Survey System

Kare Kod Destekli Anket Sistemi

When it became dangerous to touch surfaces during the pandemic period, QR code solutions became popular. We now do many transactions such as payment, check-in and check-out using smartphones, and choosing food, using QR codes.

Gir-in offers the following services with QR code support. Thanks to our cloud-based service, you can create your account and use the following services easily. You do not need to pay a fee for 14 days.

  • QR code supported entry-exit operations
  • QR code supported visitor entry-exit operations
  • QR code supported survey management
  • QR code supported cleaning management
  • QR code supported delivery Management

With the introduction of smartphones into our lives, we all now carry a computer in our pockets. Thanks to its advanced cameras and processing capabilities, we can do the operations we used to touch external surfaces with our smartphones.

The cameras of smartphones have gained the ability to decode a QR code that they read automatically with IOS 11. Likewise, Android phones provide this feature.

All these developments have enabled the manual feedback collection process to be done digitally.

The QR code supported survey system is a cloud-based solution that allows feedback to be collected via smartphones.

The QR code supported survey system allows users to fill in and send surveys online, thanks to the QR code read over the smartphone.

All responses received from users are reported in an online environment that you can access instantly.

Final Thougths

In addition to the QR code supported survey system, Gir-in offers many online services to your service. You can make a smart service management for your workspaces without allocating large budgets and without the need for equipment.

All you have to do is contact us.